Cellular Hydration

Cellular Hydration

Why Hydration is Important and What Cellular Hydration Means

“Cellular hydration is key. If we could stay perfectly hydrated in the intracellular environment, our aging would slow down if not reverse.” Zack Bush MD

In a dehydrated state, toxins accumulate. Proper hydration is essential for every process in the body and for the health and vitality of every organ and cell.

True hydration means CELLULAR HYDRATION. As we age or have imbalances in the body, our ability to get quality water into the cells from the bloodstream decreases. For true hydration to occur, proper water needs to get into the cells. Which means hydration is not about just drinking more water.

Water is the most underrecognized antioxidant system. Chronic inflammation is the accumulation of oxidative compounds within our immune system, bloodstream, and, ultimately, within our cells.

Hydration is directly tied to inflammatory processes. Dehydration affects every signaling system in your body.

Proper hydration is the foundation of a healthy body. The aging process is mostly due to becoming chronically dehydrated. But if we were taught how to keep a hydrated body, we would not have to deal with most of the ailments that come from ‘aging’.

So the question should not be, how can I drink more water, the question should be, how do I get living hydration in my cells?

Hydration Myths

Myth #1: Clear pee means I am hydrated

False. Hydration is not about water in the bloodstream of urine, it’s about water in the cells. Peeing clear simply means that the water you drink has passed from gut to your bloodstream and out your kidneys before ever getting inside your cells, so having clear urine is not the same as hydration. What you want to see is a yellow tint and good volume. To get cells to take water in from your bloodstream healthy boundaries have to be created at the gut, the capillaries, and each cell membrane.

Myth #2: Drinking more water makes you hydrated

Wrong. Again, hydration is NOT simply about drinking more water. It’s about getting that water into your cells. I often see people walking around with a gallon of water yet they are still dehydrated cellularly.

Myth #3: Any water will hydrate me

All water is NOT created equal. There are many different types of water and each one has a different ability for cellular hydration. Some water is actually harmful to the cells.

What is Blocking Cellular Hydration

Diry Water: The first step to cellular hydration is living, pure water. Most people are drinking bottled water, tap water, or ‘filtered’ water from their refrigerator that is not truly filtered. This water contains pesticides, fluoride, and often times plastics and other environmental toxins. You don’t want all of that in your cells.

Antibiotics/Pesticides: 4 billion pounds a year of Roundup/glyphosate into our food and water systems, now contaminating our air and rainfall, and 833 prescriptions of antibiotics for every 1,000 persons in the US every year. And the destruction of the microbiome is causing epigenetic consequences in our biology which compound with each subsequent generation. Furthermore, the loss of the microbiome destroys the support and repair communication system.

Gut Issues: Leaky gut will interfere will not allow proper allow absorption of water or nutrients into the cells.

EMFs: EMFs create electrical imbalance and inflammation in the body which also interferes with proper absorption of water and nutrients.

How to Truly Hydrate – Cellular Hydration

Cellular hydration is the combination of:

Lifestyle and Gut Health:

Everything you do affects how well your cells work and how well water can make it into them. Sleep, movement, emotional health, thoughts, and nutrition determine your gut and cell membrane health. The healthier you are, the better your body will be able to be cellularly hydrated.

Electrical Energy Flow

We are actually made of 99.9% energy. We are electrical beings and our time indoors, surrounded by technology is caused a major imbalance in our electrical flow. We have to have that electric flow for the water to get inside our cells.

To combat this, we need to:

  • balance or exceed our time inside and around technology by time out in nature, barefoot, and in the sun.
  • have bare feet on the earth for at least 10-30 minutes a day. This is like charging the cells in your body and clearing any inflammation blocks. Read more about the benefits of grounding.
  • consume plenty of electrolytes and minerals.

Hydration Sources

Once the body is healthy and working properly through diet and lifestyle practices and the electrical flow is stimulated, then you need to consume pure hydration sources.

  • Foods like cucumber, celery, high fiber fruit. These substances can hydrate you even better than water in most cases because of the minerals that come with them.
  • Get your electrolytes though your skin by swimming in the ocean of freshwater lakes or taking Epsom salt baths.
  • Drink PURE water: This means spring water or truly high quality filtered water (this is the one I use).
  • Add minerals and electrolytes to structure your water and make it more absorbable to the cells:

Ocean Minerals

One of the most powerful forms of cellular hydration is with ocean minerals. Ocean plasma contains all 78 trace elements and minerals in the SAME RATIO as your own blood making it a highly bioavailable source of electrolytes and minerals for cellular hydration.

I personally take 2 types of ocean minerals each day – isotonic and hypertonic.

I place the isotonic under my tongue for 30 seconds to 1 minute which signals all of my cells that they have all the building blocks they need for life.

Isotonic seawater has the ability to replace blood in our bodies.

I put the hypertonic in my water to structure my water and make it more bioavailable to my cells.

You can get the ocean minerals along with any other professional-grade supplements you need that you can only get through a practitioner in my Fullscript account here.

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