
Seek nutrient dense whole foods:

  • Organic fruits and veggies
  • Soaked nuts, beans, and seeds (make sure they are soaked or sprouted)
  • Healthy fats
  • Wild elk/deer
  • Pasture raised eggs
  • Pasture raised chicken/turkey
  • Grass fed beef/buffalo/lamb
  • Wild caught fish

Base most of your diet off healthy fat and vegetables:

  • All veggies and leafy greens
  • Coconut oil and all coconut products
  • Olive oil- not heated
  • Avocados
  • Pastured raised butter

Avoid Toxic Fat:

  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Partially hydrogenated oils
  • Trans fats
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Sauerkraut
  • Coconut Water Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Beet Kvass

Avoid :

Mind & Spirit

Start and end your day with what you are grateful for, this rewires your brain to see the world differently

Be Actively working on rewiring and renewing your mind daily: Your mind changes your brain and your brain changes your body

  • Your beliefs control your reality and how you perceive the world. . . what are you believing right now?
  • You attract situations in your life based on your thoughts, words, and emotions.
  • Never think or say anything about yourself you do not want to be true!

Change the way you see your situation, and your situation will change

20 Life Changing Health Tips to Start Today!

Everyday aim to:

  1. Write down three things you are grateful for first thing every morning, and think of three things that went well that day, every night. This trains your brain to scan for what is going right in the day and in your life instead of what is going wrong.
  2. Try to have one day per week with no phone or computer( or at least half a day). This resets your brain from being addicted to constant stimulation, and allows you to think and hear from God clearly.
  3. Have a morning and night routine. 
  4. Spend 20 minutes a day in silence
  5. Drink 20-30 ounces of filtered water first thing in the morning- this flushes out your system, detoxifies the body, and hydrates your cells for energy and a clear skin complexion! 
  6. Listen or read something inspiring each day. This feeds your mind and spirit and strengthens them to be able to handle anything that comes your way. 
  7. Have one meal a day full of vegetables: salad or smoothie.
  8. For at least 1 meal a day, sit down, breathe, chew and fully ENJOY what you are eating.
  9. Base meals off of healthy fat, nutrient rich protein, and antioxidant rich vegetables for optimal brain health, energy, weight loss, and hormonal health!
  10. Always soak grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds. These foods have ani-nutrients and acids on the shell of them that need to be soaked and sprouted to break them down. Without soaking and sprouting them, they are very hard on your digestive system and steal minerals from your body.
  11. Do not drink anything at meals: Drinking liquids during a meal dilutes the enzymes in your mouth that digest what you are eating. This leads to gas, bloating, constipation, and toxic food build up in the body. Try to drink Liquids 20 min before meals and wait at least 1-2 hours after a meal for energy, rock star digestion, and weight loss.
  12. Fruit is best eaten alone, on an empty stomach. This is because fruit digests so quickly-Typically within 20-30 minutes. If you eat fruit after a meal or combine it with starches or carbohydrates, it will sit in your stomach fermenting, causing gas and bloating, and promoting bacterial overgrowth in the body. Having fruit on an empty stomach, in the morning is ideal.
  13. After lunch and dinner go for a short 10-30 minute walk for weight loss, better digestion, increased energy, and balanced hormones. Especially if you have had a bit too much to eat. Walking will use that meal for energy right away instead of storing the extra as fat and you will also not feel as full.

14. Exercising or doing some kind of movement on an empty stomach speeds up your metabolic rate for the entire day! Also doing High-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more than 3x more body fat than long cardio sessions. Doing a 20 minute HIIT work out provides way better results than 2 hours on a treadmill!

15. Your body has to be in a relaxation response to digest your food. You could be eating the best food in the world, but if you eat while working, watching tv, or driving, your body tends to store it as fat and have issues digesting causing bloating, constipation, heart burn, low energy, and skin issue. Being present while eating and chewing your food until it is liquid could be one of the biggest things you do to have amazing health.

16. You should be drinking ½ your body weight in ounces of water daily to flush out toxins, maintain energy, and create glowing skin.

17. Giving your body 12-16 hours between dinner and breakfast is one of the best ways to boost energy, metabolism, and overall health because it allows your body to stop putting all of its energy toward digesting, and start putting it towards detoxification, cell repair, and whole body rejuvenation. It will not do that if it is digesting food.

18. Putting lemon, apple cider vinegar, or lime juice on meat / grains/ legumes provides enzymes and organic acids to help digest the food giving you more energy, better digestion, clear skin, and mental clarity.

19. Alternating cold and hot in the shower, or cold burst at the end of shower causes whole-body contractions which squeeze lymphatic flow which then squeeze metabolic waste products and environmental toxins out of the skin, boosts metabolism, increases your immune system, and provides tighter skin and shinny hair.

20. Get outside in the sun at least 20 minutes a day for hormonal balance, increased immune system, and increased energy. The vitimn D3 that comes from the sun regulates hundreds of functions in your body that would not happen without it. Mood and energy will dramatically improve from at least 20 of sun exposure a day.

Daily Avoidances:

Renewing All Things Favorite Products

Vital Proteins Collagen
Vital Proteins
Body Ecology
Body Ecology
Ottos Cassava Flour
Cassava Flour
Corganic Fish Oil