Most people are very nervous to put oil on there face, worrying that it will make them break out, especially if you have oily skin. The cosmetics industry pushes the use of really harsh, drying soaps and products that strip natural oils to help you get rid of shine. However, those oils actually help protect delicate skin! This can result in overly dry and rough skin, rather than soft and supple.
We Americans are lotion lovers. But in Europe and other parts of the world, oil is actually the more popular option for hydrating dry skin. Manufacturers have to add all sorts of fillers and emulsifiers to create creamy lotion, while oils are super-effective at keeping us hydrated and radiant without needing the added ingredients.Using oils is a wonderful way to help nourish, replenish, and plump skin cells. Facial serums are lightweight moisturizers that contain a concentrated amount of nourishing ingredients from specific oils.
The best part?
Buying a moisturizer like this on the market costs big bucks and because you only use a few drops each time- the oils you buy will last a very long time!
I love using this as my only moisturizer at night.
How to Make a DIY Facial Serum
You are going to need:
- a base oil (examples below)
- a premium oil (examples below)
- Essential Oils of choice: Experiment with what you have or what you like- my favorite is frankincense and lavender.
That is it! The recipe I am using I have found works well with most skin types.
DIY Facial Serum Ingredients
- 1 tablespoon jajoba oil
- 1 tablespoon argan oil
- 2 drops frankincense essential oil
- 2 drops lavender essential oil
Instructions and How to Use
Add essential oils to a 1 oz amber bottle fitted with a glass dropper. Pour in the carrier oils you are using.
How to Apply
When applying to face, just a few drops is all you need! Apply this DIY facial serum on clean skin by placing a few drops on your finger tips, rub hands together, and the dab or press on face. After applying, allow 10-15 minutes for the facial serum to fully absorb.
Other Oil Options
Each person is so different and will prefer different types of oils. The recipe above is one that most skin types do well with. Feel free to play around with these other oils to see what works best for you!
Other base oil options:
Avocado oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Almond Oil
Other premium oil options:
Evening primrose oil
Emu oil
Rosehip seed oil
Other Essential Oil Options
Myrrh oil
Lemon oil
Ylang Ylang oil
Here is the brand of therapeutic essential oils I use!
never thought about trying any – maybe i’m not at that age yet 🙂
My wife says that she would like to try it! Does it help moisturize?
Yes it does! I use it in place of my nightly moisturizer 🙂
I like to use coconut oil in mine. We love essential oils here, and I have seen a big difference since I started using them on my face as well.
I use essential oils for my digestive health and skin. Love them! I am very conscious of what I put on my skin so essential oils are apart of my daily routine. I will have to try some of these suggested mixes. Some I haven’t used. Thank you
We love essential oils in our family. My wife believes it really helps our family stay healthy. I’m sure she’d love to try this out!
Best things in life are DIY!
I need to order some frankincense. I’ve been reading some other things its good for. Wish I had had oils when my children were young. My grandchildren are being raised with them.
I love DIY recipes. I have been looking for one like this. Thanks!
Our family used an essential oils combination to combat diaper rash on our baby. It worked wonders. Thanks for another great DIY idea!
I love using oils for my face!!!! I pretty much use them for face wash, eyemakup remover, etc! 🙂
Excellent tips. Essential oils are good, no doubt.