Beef Pesto

4.5/5 stars from 100 users. Reviews: 88.

How This Nourishes Your Body

Gluten free and full of powerful detoxifying ingredients.

Not much to say except this one is tasty.  It is important to get 100% grass fed beef and raw grass fed cheese to reap the numerous health benefits. Non organic/grain fed meat and pasteurized dairy are highly inflammatory and damaging to the body.

The meat and dairy from wild game and naturally grass-fed animals contains an incredible array of nutrients.  The newest super-nutrient found in these animal products is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). CLA boosts metabolism, burns fat, builds muscle, and fights cancer.

Give me some of that action.

“CLA also helps to upregulate the tumor suppressing gene PTPRG.  Michael Pariza is the famed scientist who discovered CLA.  He says, “few anti-carcinogens, and certainly no other known fatty acids, are as effective as CLA in inhibiting carcinogenesis.”  A diet with as little as 0.5% CLA has been shown to reduce tumor growth by over 50%.” (Source)

Metabolism boosting beef, antioxidant rich vegetables, and detoxifying herbs make this meal one to hold onto. It is also wonderful with some sauteed mushrooms and onions as well!




Cooking Instructions

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Bake spaghetti squash for 60 minutes, or until a paring knife pierces easily through skin with little resistance. Let cool for 10 minutes.

2. Cut the squash in half, lengthwise and remove seeds.

3. Use a fork to scrape the squash to get long, spaghetti-like strands.

4. Make pesto by blending the basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, lemon, and cheese together.

5. Cook meat in butter or coconut oil and season with salt and pepper.

6. Toss meat, squash, and pesto, top with more cheese

THEN (optional)

7. You can combine all in a baking pan and top with more cheese and bake for 20 minutes to make more of a cheesy casserole.


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    Recipe Information

  • Servings
    4 Servings
  • Prep Time
    20 min
  • Cook Time
    1 hour
  • Categories
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Nutritional Information

  • Calories
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein


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