Beautifying Gelatin Chocolate Pudding

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How This Nourishes Your Body

Gelatin Chocolate Pudding is such a healing and tasty dessert! 

Earlier I talked about the wonders of gelatin/collagen for your skin, hair, hormones, microbiom/gut, and brain. Read about that here:

So this pudding is not only delicious…. it is providing beauty from the instead out by giving your body the building blocks it needs to regenerate: bones, joint, skin, hair, nails, and digestive track.

Gelatin Chocolate Pudding

Everyone has started to call this Beautifying Chocolate Pudding because gelatin is one of the best things to eat to prevent and treat wrinkles, stretch marks, and joint pain. Chocolate has some incredible antioxidant and beautifying power as well(read more about that here)  which makes this a rock star combination.

Nutritional deficiencies contribute to early aging, cellulite, stretch marks, and sagging jowls. Though we can manufacture collagen within our bodies, we need certain building blocks to do that. Gelatin is basically powdered collagen, so consuming this along with a nutrient-dense diet full of protein, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, probiotics and enzymes, and specifically vitamin C and zinc for skin health, this combination is better than botox!

gelatin pudding

Cooking Instructions

Beautifying Chocolate Pudding

1. Add the coconut milk, cocoa, and sweetener to a pan over medium heat and stir with a whisk.

2.Mix the gelatin and water in small bowl. The gelatin will absorb the water. Stir until it starts to clump.

3. Add the gelatin to the pan and stir until dissolved.

4. When the coconut milk mixture is warm transfer into two small coffee mugs or pudding cups.

5. Place in the fridge for 30-45 minutes (or freezer for faster setting).

Serve and enjoy!

chocolate pudding

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One Comment

  • Bluebelle

    This looks so yummy & sounds so beneficial – win/win! I’m wondering where the recipe is…


    Recipe Information

  • Servings
    2 Servings
  • Suitable for
    Diabetic Diet
  • Prep Time
    5 min
  • Cook Time
    30 min
  • Categories
  • Author
  • Cuisine
  • Keywords

Nutritional Information

  • Calories
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein


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