How to Choose the Right Food for Your Body

How to Choose the Right Food for Your Body

Have you ever wondered How to Choose the Right Food for Your Body? Have you ever taken your blood sugar before? It doesn’t sound fun or interesting, but I think every person should do it from time to time to see how their body is processing the food they are eating. It’s a cheap, easy way to personalize your diet.

How to Choose the Right Food for Your Body

Instead of following the popular diet of the day or trying to eat like your friend is eating that seems to be flourishing, why not see what specific foods your body likes and doesn’t like?

Biggest concept to understand: People react to food differently. Two people could eat the exact same piece of food and react totally differently. One person could eat a white potato and their body could act like it just ate a bunch of ice cream while another person could have little effect. One person can eat a whole bowl of fruit and be completely stable and another person’s body can handle it like crack. Don’t you want to know how your body reacts to certain foods so you can eat the foods it likes best?

If you continually eat the foods that are spiking your blood sugar, you are increasing inflammation, the chance of disease, metabolism imbalances, low energy, hormone imbalance, and heart issues. Blood sugar imbalance can cause almost any other imbalance in the body. It’s one cornerstone of health to focus on to impact the rest of the systems of the body.

When you eat foods your body likes, it will respond with weight loss or easy to maintain a healthy weight. energy. mental clarity, great digestion, clear skin, and great good sleep.

How to Check Your Blood Sugar

During all of my pregnancies, I declined the Glucola drink and chose to track my blood sugar for a few weeks instead. In my opinion, that gives me a more accurate way to see how my body is processing the actual food I am eating, not a toxic preservative-filled drink with 50g of sugar that I would never consume in real life.

Just order a simple blood sugar testing kit (they are pretty affordable!) and monitor for a week or two.

Option One: Testing Fasting and One Meal

  1. Test first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. This is your fasting blood sugar level.
  2. Test 1 hour and then 2 hours after your largest meal of the day. Be consistent with which meal you choose to measure on.

Option Two: Testing Fasting and All Meals

Depending on how interested you are in this, you can also test every meal you eat.

  1. Test first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. This is your fasting blood sugar level.
  2. Test two hours after each meal.
  3. Depending on how much information you want, you can also take it one hour and two hours after each meal, but the two-hour testing is the most critical.

What are Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Fasting Blood Glucose

  • Normal without Diabetes: 70-99 mg /dl
  • Optimal: 60-90 mg/dl

1 Hour After Eating

  • Normal without Diabetes: 140 or lower
  • Optimal: Below 120

2 Hours After Eating

  • Normal without Diabetes: 140 or lower
  • Optimal: Below 115

Your goal is to have a minimal rise in glucose after eating and a quick return to baseline after eating.

You can play around and intentionally eat certain foods to see how your body reacts. For example, a big bowl full of fruit or anything else you are curious about.

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