Best Supplements for Kids

Best Supplements for Kids

I am often asked what the best supplements for kids are. Do they need them? Are they safe? Which ones? Great questions.

Kids do need extra support, but they do not need synthetic vitamins. You want to stay away from giving your children cheap, processed, non-organic random supplements. You want to make sure you know where they came from, how they were processed, if they are tested for purity, and have no extra added junk.

These are technically ‘whole foods’ instead of ‘supplements’ because they are all from food and nothing is synthetic or man-made.

It took me a while to get my daughter to like taking her daily supplements. But now, she gets excited every day to make her ‘special drink’. We juice a lemon together, then add a splash of pomegranate juice, fill the rest of the cup with water, and then she gets to put in all of her ‘vitamins’.

You can also check out my article on the best homeopathic remedies for kids.

Best Supplements for Kids

Cod Liver Oil

If I could choose one supplement for her to take, it would be this. The difference I notice with her skin when I give this to her regularly is incredible. It provides her with all of the vital fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E as well as her Omega 3s EPA and DHA.

Rosita Cod Liver Oil is the purest source I can find. 


Minerals are vital for cellular function. They are life for the body and most children (and adults!) are not getting the minerals they need because we are not eating enough vegetables, drinking bone broth, or green juice.

If I could only take two supplements they would be good cod liver oil and mineral supplement.

Related Article: The Magic of Minerals 

Vitamin C

Vital for immune function as well as cellular rejuvenation. We don’t make vitamin C in our body so we need to consume foods that are rich in it.

Vitamin D

For hormonal, immune, and cellular function.


I really like to rotate and take breaks from probiotics because you don’t want to create a monoculture by taking the same one day after day. I like to use a bottle, then use just Restore (now called ION) and then use a different probiotic next round.

Restore for Gut Health

This would be my number two favorite. This is a must to give children when eating out or eating anything to protect their gut.

Read more about Restore(or ION) here. 


Magnesium has a magical effect on children. From mood to sleep to digestion, magnesium makes such a difference.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray


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