The Ultimate Raw Brownie

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How This Nourishes Your Body

This raw brownie Self control.

You may need some of it when making these beauties. The batches never last long. Ever. So you may want to double the recipe if you plan on feeding more than yourself;) Each ingredient is so nutritious, there is no need hold back those days when you really need a brownie. Gluten Free, sugar free, diary free….make these and enjoy one, or three, in peace.

Raw Brownie


1. Help improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids.

2. Dates are rich in potassium to help regulate a healthy nervous system.

Cacao-Powder-Dates-Walnuts3. They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.


1. Cacao is known to increase circulation, improve mood, and is full of calcium, zinc, iron, copper, sulfur, and potassium.

2. Contains many chemicals that enhance physical and mental well-being, including alkaloids, proteins, magnesium, and beta-carotene.

3. Cacao is extremely beneficial during a woman’s cycle as it has been shown to decrease undesirable symptoms that tend to come along.


1. Walnuts are a powerhouse to the brain and heart! The potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, and omega 3 fatty acids seriously fuel the body with stable energy.

2. Walnuts have twice as many antioxidants as other nuts.

3. Walnuts are one of the few foods that contain melatonin, a hormone that helps control your sleep cycle.

Cooking Instructions

1. Place walnuts in food processor and blend on high until the nuts are finely ground.

raw brownie mix

2. Add the cacao and pulse to combine.

3. Add the dates and honey and blend until a cake crumb like dough forms, add more dates if it needs to stick together more.

4. Press dough into a lined cake pan or mold. Top with almond and coconut shreds.

5. Place in freezer or fridge until ready to serve.




No Bake Paleo Brownies

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    Recipe Information

  • Servings
    15 Servings
  • Prep Time
    10 min
  • Cook Time
    20 min
  • Categories
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Nutritional Information

  • Calories
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein


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