3 Ingredient Plantain Bread (gluten free)

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How This Nourishes Your Body

Ever since living in Costa Rica, I have been obsessed with plantains and Plantain Bread. Have you ever had them before? They look a lot like bananas, but bigger. Unlike bananas, you do have to cook them. You can make so many amazing recipes with these like tortillas, chips, and breads! One of my favorite and easy alternatives to gluten free baking and meals.

Plantain Bread

They are rich in nutrients like potassium, beta carotene, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, and a good source of dietary fiber. They are also a slow burning resistant starch that acts as a prebiotic and feeds the good bacteria in your system. (I know you all are eating your fermented foods;)) The probiotics that we eat need prebiotocs to keep them alive and kicking. Plantains are great for this as well as onions and garlic.

They come in green, yellow, and black  depending on how ripe they are. You can use each stage of ripeness for different recipes.

Plantains can be prepared in numerous ways, and their flavor ranges from savory to sweet, depending on ripeness. Green (unripe) plantains are savory, while yellow/black (ripe) plantains will be quite sweet.

almond butter plantain


Cooking Instructions

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Peel plantain.
3. Place in blender or food processor.
4. Add in eggs and butter and Blend until smooth and creamy.
5. Grease pan and pour in mixture: I used a circle pan: but you can experiment with the size/shape you want depending on how thin/thick you want your bread.
6. Bake bread for 15-18 minutes.

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  • Carolyn

    Would you please tell me if this recipe made with green or ripe plantain?

    • Renewing All Things

      You can use either depending on the taste you are going for. If you want a more soft and sweet bread- a ripe one will work but if you are going for more of a savory, dinner type bread- green works great:) I would try to not have it too green or it will taste pretty starchy.

  • Kim C.

    I used a green plantain and it’s possible it didn’t cooked long enough. I have to say that I’m not enjoying the taste. Maybe adding sunflower seeds, or almonds.


    Recipe Information

  • Servings
  • Prep Time
    5 min
  • Cook Time
    20 min
  • Categories
  • Author
  • Cuisine
  • Keywords

Nutritional Information

  • Calories
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein


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