“Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” -Benjamin Franklin
Science of change in the brain:
- Cells are constantly receiving information and constantly replicating themselves. If we have been constantly feeding them cortisol, anxiety, etc they have replicated more receptors that emotion, so that is why your brain signals you to get it more of.
- When you do a repeated action, or feel a repeated emotion, it becomes a habit- when you do the habit you have learned, your brains produces serotonin and dopamine and endorphins, which make it hard not to do it.
- In other words if you worry all of the time, and it has become a habit, even though you do not want to do it, your brain automatically takes that pathway because it is the most familiar and thinks that is the right state to be in.
- Same with any bad habit or addiction. When you do it, you produce serotonin and dopamine and endorphins, which make it hard not to do it. Like checking your phone all of the time for example.
- When stopping a habit or way of thinking, you will go through a bit of transition phase- as in your cells are literally withdrawing because you are not giving them what they are used to.
- The great news is when you start doing something new- your brain begins to create new receptor sites and new neural pathways!
- HOWEVER the feeling of this happening gets people tripped up. When they feel the withdrawal from the cells, they assign a meaning to that feeling of “this is uncomfortable, this is hard” or “this does not feel right, ill try again another time”
- Feeling resistance is the BEST signal that something BIG is happening. You need to assign a positive message to that feeling of resistance and you become unstoppable because you know that in just a short time, your brain will be completely rewired.
- This gives people relief knowing what is actually happening so they can expect it, and know that they are not weak or lack willpower, they are just rewiring their brain, and the feeling of withdrawal is real, but will go away.
Habit Lifestyle
In programming habits, they can be mindsets, or actions. Choose the kind of person you want to be, and wire in mindsets and actions that align with that.
We can cultivate and grow significantly in any area, but we have to wire it into our biology.
Habits are actions we do without thinking about it. Your brain is always looking to be most efficient. It is looking to put as many things as possible an autopilot. Unfortunately, many mindsets that are on autopilot for us, are not in our favor.
To cultivate any trait or habit you desire to have, you need intense focus and repetition. So often we can get ahead of ourselves, wanting to change multiple things about ourselves at once. Unfortunately our brain does not work like that, and this usually results in stress, overwhelm, and mission aborted.
Vision and Clarity
A thriving life is largely determined by the extent you have a clear vision, habits and intentions set up. Your body and subconscious mind (read about subconscious mind here first) sharply focuses your emotional energy to create thoughts, ideas, and actions that align with your vision.
If you do not set that vision and target, you will be firing aimlessly through life.
Have you set your intentions and vision of who you want to be, how you want to feel, what your purpose is, what you want to accomplish in life, or how you want others to feel around you? If you have not set these, the world’s intentions for us take over, and they usually are not the most life-giving, including: “to prove your worth to others” or “to make sure no one gets upset or angry” “to stay safe and comfortable” – these could be driving you without you knowing it.
To influence change, you must gain the cooperation of your subconscious mind. You need a vision to energize your mind and body and focus the direction of change.
Your energy flows where you have the most CLARITY. Without clarity- your energy will be all over the place- excited one day, lost the next.
Neuroplasticity: scientific discovery proving that we can physically change our brains through ourthoughts and choices. We can physically create new neural pathways and destroy old ones. We can wireout toxic beliefs, experiences, and thinking patterns and wire in truths, good habits, and outstanding thinking patterns.
This is amazing news because we CAN become free from toxic habits, thinking, past experiences, and beliefs. By changing the way you think and changing the actions you do each day, you can rewire your brain, and change your life.
It takes living intentionally each day, but eventually- it becomes part of your identity- and not doing it becomes harder than choosing to do it because you have engraved it into your brain.
Whoever you want to be, whatever you want to do, you can program it into your biology so it becomes a part of who you naturally are without thinking about it.
Make a List of:
- How you want to feel
- How you want others to feel around you
- How you want to look
- What you want to accomplish
- What habits do you need to make that these things happen?
Habits 101
How to Start Making a Habit:
Will Power:
- Biggest determining factor in success- happiness – productivity
- You only have a certain amount of willpower per day- choices, social media, switching your attention constantly from one thing to the next- all drain it it. The more you have to think about, choosing to work out or eat healthy or be present- the more your will power goes down so by the end of the day- you will be exhausted- not making the best decisions
- The goal is to create habits that so you do not have to use willpower.
- Use your willpower to create habits!
- Put as many things on autopilot as possible by creating daily routines.
- Minimize doing things that drain your willpower.
1. Master Physiology Fundamentals First
- It is extremely easier to create habits and change when you have your physiology under control.
- Healthy Food, enough water, daily exercise, restful sleep, daily meditation
2. Pick Your Keystone Habit
- Choose one habit that if you mastered it, it would have the biggest impact on your life. What is one thing you can do to change the most areas in your life.
- What is one thing that you could probably stop doing that would significantly change your life. Stop that replace that with something else.
3. What is your why
- Why are you making the positive choices that you are making? – focus on that and you will be able to handle any hard times that come with making the change.
- When you feel like giving up, return to your why.
4. Make 100% commitment
- Make it non-negotiable- not 99.5
- 100% is easy 99.5% is not
- Remove negotiation
5. Do it daily
- Needs to be done daily for a period of time
6. Embrace the Process!
- Taking on any new mindset or habit goes through 3 phases-
- first 10 days seem unbearable, questioning your decision to take it on
- next 10 days seem just uncomfortable
- last ten days seem unstoppable- you begin to see the benefits.
- Keep going despite feelings at the beginning, you truly are developing into an amazing person, carrying an amazing purpose only you can accomplish, even if it does not feel like it.
7. Set Up Triggers
- Without daily triggers, our well-intended desires seem to disappear in the midst of daily activities.
- Set some kind of trigger that you will use throughout the day that reminds you of your goal and what you want to be focusing on.
- Examples:
- Set a timer on your phone that goes off 3x a day that reminds you to stop and remember your goal and what you are accomplishing.
- Every time you get in the car or walk through a door- remember your why.
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