What if every morning you wake up excited, motivated, and ready to have the best day of your life. Every morning, you are ready to experience something new, hear from God like you never have before, and be apart of something that is changing the world. Well, this is totally possible with creating Healthy Habits to Start Your Day.
When you set intentional time apart every day to fuel your mind, body, and spirit, you can be so in love with the morning, that you go to bed with anticipation.
Having a morning routine, at least one hour, starting the minute you wake up can be life changing. In this time, you do certain healthy habits that will get your mind, body, and spirit in a place that will allow you to have the best, most successful day possible. It is important to tend to your entire being, spiritually and physically.
Doing these habits each day will begin to rewire you brain to handle stress better, see the world in a more positive light, and promote balance in your whole body!
Here are a few Healthy Habits to Start Your Day that have changed my life and added success to my days.
1. Wake up and start your day with a big cup of warm lemon water: Or apple cider vinegar and water, followed by at least 16 -32oz of filtered or natural spring water. This will hydrate, alkalize, detoxify, and clean out toxins that have accumulated overnight. You will feel lighter and more energized to begin the day.
2. Deep breathing, prayer, and reading: After replenishing your body, now it’s time to replenish your mind. Quite time to pray, meditate on truths, and speak positive affirmations over the day will give you a clear mind, energy, peace, and motivation to start the day with a smile. This is also a wonderful time to journal and write down any ideas, or revelations you had.
3. Movement: After my mind is in the right place, I like to stimulate my body. Stretching, yoga, or walking will begin to wake up and loosen your body. Sometimes I do heavier exercises like weights, burst training, or running. Exercise stimulates the immune system and releases endorphins (feel-good chemicals) – both important in having a successful day.
4. Dry brushing/oil pulling: After nourishing my body and mind, I like to get a little detoxification in. I usually oil pull for 20 minutes, and dry brush before I get in the shower. Detoxing the body provides clarity, clear skin, bright eyes, and energy to have the best day ever.
5. Eat an amazing breakfast. Make breakfast with intention. Eating nourishing foods in the morning will balance your hormones, and fuel your brain. Whatever you eat, take the time to sit and enjoy it, because nourishing yourself for a successful day is key.
6. Map out your day: Now that your mind, body, and spirit are nourished, it is time to plan your day of success. Write out the specific tasks you want to get done for that day.
Try to knock out the least favorite first. At the same time, leave room for creativity and listen where your body and spirit are leaning that day. This is important because your energy levels, and creativity will change throughout the month depending where your hormone levels are at. One day you may feel like deep cleaning, go for it. Other days, you might have a wonderful idea for a project, go for it. Then one day, you may have no motivation to do anything, go for it. Your body will want to experience all of these days at some point in the month.
Listen and learn what your body is telling you by nourishing it from the inside out, and your days will be filled with success and joy.
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