I am always on the lookout for the best natural sugar alternatives. I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth, I’m more of a salty/savory kind of gal. But my husband and my daughter? Well, that’s a different story. I am constantly trying to make snacks/desserts for them that are low in sugar.

My Criteria:

  1. Safe for kids
  2. Doesn’t taste weird
  3. You can replace regular sweeteners 1:1
  4. Doesn’t cause digestive problems (you know what I mean)

I don’t give my daughter processed sugar, but I do sweeten her yogurt/oatmeal/bars with maple syrup or honey so I was looking for a liquid sweetener I could use in place of that.

I am so excited I finally found what I was looking for, and it just got released!

Body Ecology’s new BE Sweet ™ Liquid and Powder

This sugar alternative is made from a perfect blend of monk fruit, stevia, and allulose. Not only is it made from a specialized blend of three of the safest sugar substitutes, but it is also incredibly delicious, bitter-free, and satisfyingly sweet without an aftertaste.

Stevia and monk fruit are familiar all-natural sugar substitutes. However, allulose might be new to you. This is another safe and healthy sugar substitute that has only recently come to fame. Allulose has a similar texture, taste, and feel as table sugar and is found naturally in a variety of foods we eat daily, such as figs, corn, and raisins. Expect to start hearing much more about allulose — and, soon, seeing it everywhere so you can enjoy an uncompromised taste of sweetness!

Allulose is considered “rare sugar.” What this means is that it is found in small quantities of foods we already regularly enjoy. Once your body metabolizes allulose, it has a glycemic index of zero net carbs. Allulose is low in calories and can pass through your body without significant metabolism needed.

Studies suggest allulose may suppress the glycemic response of other carbohydrates when consumed with a meal. (2) In fact, because of how allulose metabolizes, it is considered non-glycemic.

Here’s a closer look at what makes BE Sweet™ so special:

  • Ideal for low-carb diets: BE Sweet™ contains 0 grams of net carbs per teaspoon. You can use it just like sugar.
  • Safe for diabetics. Since allulose doesn’t need to be metabolized — and has a tenth of the calories of sugar, it will not elevate blood sugar levels.
  • Safe for everyone. As of 2012, the FDA has deemed allulose GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and suitable to use as a substitute for sugar and fructose.
  • Great for the gut. Studies show allulose to be a well-tolerated sugar alternative that doesn’t cause gastrointestinal troubles.
  • Looks like the real thing: BE Sweet™ powder caramelizes and browns just like sugar, while BE Sweet™ liquid dissolves easily in hot/cold beverages (like coffee and tea).
  • Tastes even better: No need to trick your tastebuds. Reviewers agree that, compared to sugar, BE Sweet™ is downright delicious.

We know sugar isn’t good for us. Think fatigue, potential tumor growth, and an increased risk for heart disease risk among seemingly healthy people. Plus, sugar can cause a hangover! After a sugar binge, you can experience the same symptoms you’d expect after a late night of drinking too much alcohol. Think foggy minds, mood swings, and other negative physical responses.

When you eat too much sugar, candida yeast will flood your body with a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is an organic chemical compound your body makes that is considered a probable human carcinogen. It is also the compound that is behind hangovers and hangover-like symptoms. Keep in mind that most natural sugars will feed candida. Eating too much sugar has to the capacity to destroy your immune system and potentially create more uncontrollable sugar cravings.

It is also important to remember our human desire for sweet-tasting foods and drinks is nothing to be ashamed of — or suppressed! It’s quite normal. Our very first food, mother’s milk, was warm and sweet, and we’ve formed an emotional bond with this taste. Avoiding sweets isn’t the answer.

The solution lies in finding a satisfying and safe sugar swap that you actually enjoy and is good for you!

Best Natural Sugar Alternatives

Like I said, this comes in liquid or powder so you can use it to replace any liquid or granulated sugar in any recipe 1:1! I have been putting it in my daughter’s oatmeal, yogurt, bread, muffins, oat bars. She literally had no idea it was different than her usual maply syrup or honey, so I’d say that’s pretty impressive and a major win!


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