Why I Stopped Using Tooth Paste ( Best Natural Toothpaste)

Why I Stopped Using Tooth Paste ( Best Natural Toothpaste)

After becoming a Holistic Health Practitioner and Switching to all of my personal care products to natural options, the best natural toothpaste was one area I always questioned.

After using several different ‘natural’ options for years, I did not think they were very effective.

After going on the quest of seeing a biological holistic dentist, I have learned so much about effective oral home care, and how to keep your teeth, gums, and body as healthy as possible!

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Problems with Traditional Toothpaste

Most drug store toothpaste contain NUMEROUS ingredients that:

  1. Are toxic to the body: fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, etc. have been proven to cause inflammation and hormonal imbalance.
  2. Disrupt the mouths microbiome: In our mouth, we have bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease and bacteria that help prevent it.

My holistic dentist actually takes samples of my spit and looks at it under a microscope to see what kind of organisms are swimming around in there. . . cool right?!Traditional

Traditional toothpaste and mouthwashes destroy the good bacteria that keep the bad bacteria in check. We are always going to have bad bacteria in the mouth, so when we kill the good bacteria, we create an environment for harmful bugs to flourish.

If there are more bad bacteria than good, problems begin to occur which is why it is important to have a diet and lifestyle that support the good bacteria.

How to Care for Microbiome 

Problems with ‘Natural Toothpaste’

Many natural kinds of toothpaste on the market still contain ingredients like glycerin that coat the teeth which prevent remineralization. Remineralization is what teeth need to do to fight tooth decay and stay healthy.

Best Natural Toothpaste Options

The important part about whatever you ‘brush’ with is that it contains ingredients that alkalize, are anti-bacterial and promote tooth mineralization. Many kinds of toothpaste contain toxic ingredients that harm the bodies ability to have a healthy oral microbiome. Most natural kinds of toothpaste do not clean effectively and many still contain ingredients that inhibit tooth mineralization.

The following choices contain powerful essential oils, probiotics, and ingredients that balance the oral microbiome, provide minerals, and promote healthy gums and strong teeth.


A good tooth powder is what I recommend brushing with the most because each ingredient is designed to strengthen, white, and promote healthy teeth and gums without any unnecessary fillers. I love using this tooth whitening and protecting powder.

Tooth Serums

The next thing I recommend you have is a good tooth serum. Tooth serums are great because they get absorbed right into the gums and fight inflammation, bad bacteria, and plaque. They balance the microbiome of the mouth while providing powerful botanicals that strengthen and heal. I love using this tooth and gum serum which I rub on my gums, add to toothpaste or swish in water.


there are times when toothpaste is just easier. These are the types I recommend that are natural but still work.

  • Probiotic Toothpaste
  • Earth Paste
  • Dental Herb and Gum Paste
  • coconut oil and baking soda + optional essential oils – baking soda is incredible for the microbiome of the mouth. It is extremely alkalizing and cleansing and promotes a healthy environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive. One of the cheapest, best things you can use for a healthy mouth!

Related Articles:

First step to whitening your teeth naturally 

The Healthy Mouth and Gum System I recommend

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