Top Five Supplements for Women

Top Five Supplements for Women

There are many supplements for women that can dramatically help balance our hormones, promote stable and happy moods, prevent PMS, and give us glowing skin and beautiful hair.

Eating a hormone balancing diet, moving throughout the day or doing HIIT exercises, controlling our thought life, and taking a few key supplements can change our world.

Top Five Supplements for Women


Beneficial for mood, skin, digestion, and improving any hormonal imbalance.

A healthy gut and microbiome = healthy hormones and body. It may not be enough to just take 1 probiotic pill a day, but rather live a probiotic lifestyle (more on that here). An abundance and diversity of good bacteria from multiple different sources detoxify the body from excess hormones that cause PMS, protect you from viruses and bad bacteria, improve your mood (because most serotonin is made in your gut!), decrease sugar cravings, and encourage healthy daily digestion and glowing skin!

More on a probiotic lifestyle here <-

More on how to stop sugar cravings here <-

How: Eat fermented foods and drinks like saurcraut and kefir, coconut water kefir, rotate probiotic pills, fermented greens and protein powders.
Body Ecology Probiotic Beverages
Body Ecology Superfoods

B Vitamins:

Beneficial for stress management, energy, metabolism, and mood.

If you are stressed, eat processed food, drink alcohol, or drink caffeine, you would benefit from a good B vitamin. These things deplete your B vitamins.  This is important to note because each B vitamin plays an important role in the body and almost all of them help us combat stress.  Each of the B vitamins provides a different service to the body but they also work synergistically. The B complex is responsible for energy generation, metabolism, and the synthesis and breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids. They are also involved with  serotonin production which controls your mood, appetite and sleep patterns.

How: A good activated B complex with Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal 5?-Phosphate or P5P)
Folate (as L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate or 5-MTHF from L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid)
Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) if possible. I like it in liquid form the best!


Beneficial for mood, anxiety, PMS, depression, and sleep. 

Also known as the miricle mineral for women. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Taking magnesium is amazing for any hormonal balance that may be going on because it regulaters cortisol, supports thyriod and adrenals, fuels celluar energy, and helps make sex hormones and brain chemicals. I beleive everyone on the planet can benefit from taking magnesium.

I like to drink it, or take it liquid mineral form. The most absorbable pill form of magnesium is magnesium glycinate.

Fish Oil/Cod Liver Oil:

Beneficial for hair, skin, nails, immune system, and mood.

The high concentration and highly bioavailable vit A, D, and omega3 fatty acids make cod liver oil a woman’s best friend. The unique form of vitamin A found in cod liver oil is amazing for skin, reproductive health, and aging. The Omega3 and Vitamin D are amazing for brain and hormonal balance as well as mood stability and energy.

Remember, not all fish oils are created equal, and most are toxic. More on fish oils here.

How: 1/2-1 teaspoon of Rosita Cod Liver Oil a day is all it takes.

Vitamin D:

Beneficial for mental health, improving anxiety and mood disorders, reproductive health, and energy.

Unless you are getting 25 minutes of full-body sun exposure every day then chances are you are deficient (and maybe even extremely deficient) in vitamin D. Vitamin D is actually a hormone in the body. It is used as a building block to build other hormones – including your sex hormones! So this nutirent is key in mental health, sexual health, and immune function! Taking vitamin D is a good way to prevent sickness, and feel your best.

How: My favorite is taking a liquid form of Vitamin D3 with K2. These two nutrients work synergistically together and allow the vitamin D to be more absorbed and used properly throughout the body.


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