Healthy Instant Chocolate Cake Batter

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How This Nourishes Your Body

This Cake Batter happened on accident, but has turned into my #1 go to dessert. This works well as a one serving treat when you just want to satisfy a chocolate craving. These coconut flour cookies go great dipped in this 😉

What I love about this is that it actually has amazing health benefits! Cacao and collagen make one powerful combination for skin and hormonal health.

I have mentioned this before, but collagen/gelatin is the most amazing beauty food for hair, skin, nails, and hormone balance. It aids in cell renewal and supports hair and nail growth. More on the benefits on collagen here.

This is the most effective collagen I have found and that has truly made a difference in my hair and skin! There are two forms of collagen/gelatin: One that does dissolve in cold water, and one that does not. I use both for different recipes. I add the one that does dissolve in smoothies and the one that does not to make healthy marshmallows, and chocolate pudding.

Notes for cake batter

  • Use whatever sweetener you would like: add one tablespoon raw honey or maple syrup if you are wanting a sweeter treat.
  • A vanilla flavored protein powder tastes amazing in this.
  • If you do not want to use protein powder, add less liquid 1-2 – 3-4 cup

Quick Version 

  • Most of the time, I just do 2 tablespoons collagen 1 large tablespoon cacao powder and add water, stir, and add more until I get the consistency I want. You may not like this, but I do;)


Cooking Instructions

  1. Pour coconut milk with protein powder, and cacao powder into a bowl. Mix together.
  2. Next add stevia and coconut oil and mix together.
  3. Stir in gelatin until well combined.
  4. It will start to get thick.
  5. Taste and adjust sweetness.

When you add the liquid, stir the clumps out of it. The longer it sits, the more gel and solid it will get. If it gets too clumpy, add more liquid.  If you add too much liquid, let sit for a minutes or add more collagen.

Beautifying ChocolateCake Batter


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    Recipe Information

  • Servings
    2 Servings
  • Prep Time
    5 min
  • Cook Time
    5 min
  • Categories
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Nutritional Information

  • Calories
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Protein


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