Cod Liver Oil Benefits

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How This Nourishes Your Body

Cod Liver Oil is one powerhouse supplement that provides incredible benefits for the entire body.

“Many of the great historical cultures had one sacred food which they relied on to ensure strong mind, body, and spirit; fish liver oil.” It was a staple to the roman soldier and a luxury for the wealthy. The Scandinavian Vikings always had a drum of fermenting cod livers outside the door of the home. Many older generations also had a bottle of cod liver oil in the home because of its incredible health-promoting properties.

Cod Liver Oil Benefits

Cod liver oil is completely different than typical fish oils that you can buy at a health food store. Most brands of cod liver oil available in stores are highly refined and not anything like traditionally made cod liver oil. Most brands heat the oil at high temperatures to deodorize, destroying the natural vitamins and nutritional content. When the oil is clean and deodorized they add synthetic vitamins back in.

Cod Liver oil should go through cold processing to protect the naturally occurring nutrients present. The only brand that I am aware of that creates this product in such a way is Rosita Cod Liver Oil. 

You can find this oil here

Thanks to the work of Dr. Weston A. Price who studied civilizations all over the world and found that regions untouched by western civilization had very low rates of disease, infertility, and had incredible teeth and bone structures. He found that this was because they had nutrient-rich diets full of fat soluble vitamins A D E and K2 and minerals.

Cod liver oil is very nutrient dense and contains key compounds that support healthy teeth, immunity, fertility,  and healthy beautiful bone structure.

Nutritional Profile

Cod Liver Oil is my number one superfood for the health of the entire body.

Cod liver oil includes:

  1. Omega 3
  2. 3. EPA/DHA
  3. 4. CoQ10
  4. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2

Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

1. Improved Skin and Hair:  Cod liver Oil delivers a concentrated source of skin-healing nutrients as well as  fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2. These specific nutrients, in combination with omega 3 fatty acids, provide the key building blocks needed for healthy, clear skin and strong hair. Taken orally or applied topically, fermented cod liver oil improves the quality of skin, both on the face and for issues of rashes, redness, wrinkles, and more.

2. Strengthened Immune System: Cod Liver Oil has incredible vitamin D content which is vital  for the development, growth, and maintenance of a healthy body. People with significantly low levels of vitamin D have been shown to be more susceptible to cold and flu viruses. Studies suggest that a higher intake of Vitamin D is related to lower incidences of lymphoma, prostate, colon and breast cancers. Vitamin D may also help protect people from diseases such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Strong joints, bones, and teeth: As important as vitamin D is for the entire body, vitamin A is a close competitor- which is also a major player in Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Vitamin A is important for a healthy vision, healthy bones and teeth, red blood cell production, immune system support, and the regulating of genes.  Cod Liver Oil has also been shown to increase bone mineral density and reduces pain and damage of inflamed joints from arthritis. Dr. Weston A. Price also used this superfood to heal tooth decay and reverse cavities. 

The amazing benefits of Cod Liver Oil!4. Healthy Brain and Reproductive System: Because this golden oil contains a perfect combination of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, it is considered a powerhouse of nutritional support for the health of the brain and reproductive system.  Cod liver oil also contains special fats called EPA and DHA. The body uses EPA to make substances that help prevent blood clots, and that regulate a myriad of biochemical processes. Recent research shows that DHA is essential to the development of the brain and nervous system. Adequate DHA in the mother’s diet is necessary for the proper development of the retina in the infant she carries. DHA in mother’s milk helps prevent learning disabilities. Cod liver oil and foods like liver and egg yolk supply this essential nutrient to the developing fetus, to nursing infants and to growing children.” -Sally Fallon Morell.

For hormonal balance, a smooth running cycle, and optimal fertility, taking Cod Liver Oil daily can truly take your health to the next level!


When it comes to fish oil, quality matters. Check out this article about why most fish oils on the market are rancid. My favorite brand of cod liver oil is Rosita Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil because it is sourced from deep, untouched water is Norway and is processed in a unique way that preserves all of the antioxidants and essential fatty acids.

Whatever fish oil you choose to take, make sure to do your research to see how it is proccessed and where it is sourced so it does not do more harm to your body than good.

Article References:

Rosita Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil

Superfood Benefits and Reasons to Eat

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